What is a calorie deficit?

The calorie deficit: how to lose weight without depriving yourself

Trying to lose weight? Eating nutrient-rich food and regular exercise is a great start, but ultimately you need to be in calorie deficit.

What is a calorie deficit?

Calories are the units of energy we get from food and drink. To lose weight or body fat, a calorie deficit is needed – that means eating less kcals than you burn.  

There are two ways to create a calorie deficit: 

  • Reducing your calorie intake – changing what and how much you eat

  • Increasing calorie expenditure – e.g. burning calories through exercise

What role do calories play in weight loss?

The body uses the calories it gets from food to fuel your metabolism, digestion and any physical activity.

When the number of calories you eat is the same as the kcals you burn for energy, your weight will be maintained.

Once your body’s energy needs are met, any extra calories get stored – some in the muscles as glycogen (the main source of fuel for our cells), but most as fat.

So, if you eat more calories than you burn – known as a calorie surplus – it will lead to weight gain. By contrast, if you consume less food than you need for energy, you will lose weight. 

How much of a calorie deficit do I need to be in to lose weight?

If you cut 500 calories a day from what you normally eat, you can expect to lose about 1 pound a week, which is a safe and healthy amount as per UK guidelines.

It’s advisable not to exceed a deficit of 500 calories a day.


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